Religious and Nonreligious Belief Systems
Examining the nature of religion, religiosity, and religious faith through the framework of atheism.

First Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Have Any Gods Before Me
The Pagan Origins of Valentine's Day
![Woodcut illustration (leaf [p]4r, f. cxxxiiii) of Pope Joan, hand-colored in red, green, yellow and black, from an incunable German translation by Heinrich Steinhöwel of Giovanni Boccaccio's De mulieribus claris, printed by Johannes Zainer at Ulm ca. 1474.](
Pope Joan: Was There Really a Female Pope?
Tenth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Covet
Popes of the 20th Century
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
The Difference Between Atheists and Agnostics
Atheism for Beginners
The Importance of Logic and Philosophy
What Is Theism?
Background on the Investiture Conflict and Controversy
George Washington Quotes on Religion
7 Reasons People Believe in God
What is an Antipope?
Ninth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness
What's the Difference Between Nontheism and Atheism?
Roman Heliopolis & Temple Site at Baalbek in Lebanon's Beqaa Valley
Secularism Vs Secularization: What's the Difference?
Why Don't Atheists Believe in Gods?
Is Christmas a Religious or Secular Holiday?
One or Many Gods: The Varieties of Theism
What Is Secularism?
Introduction to Theism and Atheism
Popes of the 16th Century
Types of Religious Authority
Christian Existentialism
Religion vs. Religious
Literary Existentialism
Alphabetical List of Catholic Popes
What Does the Bible Say About Communism and Socialism?
What Is Theology?
What is Negative Theology in Christianity?
Ten Commandments: A Basis for American Law?
Definition: Religious Authority Vs. Secular Authority
Jus Ad Bellum
Atheism and Existentialism
What Does It Mean to Be an Atheist?
Comparing the Ten Commandments
Natural Theology vs. Theology of Nature
What is Wrong With Buddhism?
Religion Is a Belief in Supernatural Beings
What are Nature Religions?
Roman Catholic Popes of the Fifth Century
How the Papacy Originated in Rome
Development of Papal Primacy
Nonbeliever vs. Atheist
Second Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Make Graven Images
Popes Who Were Murdered or Assassinated
Valentine's Day: Religious Origins and Background
Religion vs. Superstition
Do Muslims Follow the Ten Commandments?