Macuilxochitl: Macuilxochitl, God of Gambling in Aztec Religion, Mythology

Xochipilli, Macuilxochitl: God of Gambling in Aztec Religion, Mythology
Xochipilli, Macuilxochitl: God of Gambling in Aztec Religion, Mythology. Image Source: Jupiter Images

Name and Etymology:

Macuilxochitl, "Five Flower"
Xochipilli, "Flower Prince"

Religion and Culture of Macuilxochitl:

Aztec, Mesoamerica

Symbols, Iconography, and Art of Macuilxochitl:

Aztec art often depicts Macuilxochitl with red skin, as having a human hand over his mouth, and carrying a sharp stick penetrating a human heart.

Macuilxochitl is God of:

Tabac smokers
Music and Dance
Sacred ball game Nahuatl
Palace Residents
Chief of the Ahuiateteo (gods of excess)

Equivalents in Other Cultures:

unknown please email me if you have any information to add about this.

Story and Origin of Macuilxochitl:

Although generally portrayed as encouraging fun and dancing, Xochipilli could also send boils, hemorrhoids, and venereal disease to anyone who violates fasts by engaging in sexual intercourse. There were limits, it seems, to the times and places for when fun was appropriate.

Family Tree and Relationships of Macuilxochitl:

Associated with Cinteotl
Husband of Mayahuel
Brother of Ixtlilton, Macuilxochitl
Brother of Xochiquetzal, "Feathered Flower," goddess of flowering

Temples, Worship and Rituals of Macuilxochitl:

Aztecs worshipped Xochipilli at the festival of Tecuilhuitontli, which occurred during the growing season. An impersonator of Xochipilli would be sacrificed during this festival then his flayed skin worn by a priest.

Mythology and Legends of Macuilxochitl:

unknown please email me if you have any information to add about this.

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Your Citation
Cline, Austin. "Macuilxochitl: Macuilxochitl, God of Gambling in Aztec Religion, Mythology." Learn Religions, Aug. 25, 2020, Cline, Austin. (2020, August 25). Macuilxochitl: Macuilxochitl, God of Gambling in Aztec Religion, Mythology. Retrieved from Cline, Austin. "Macuilxochitl: Macuilxochitl, God of Gambling in Aztec Religion, Mythology." Learn Religions. (accessed May 8, 2024).