Atheism and Agnosticism
Learn more about atheism and agnosticism with resources covering the philosophies, skepticism, and critical thinking of the free-thinking community.

Connecting Ancient Greek Mythology to Religion
History of American Religion:1600 to 2017
Is Astrology a Pseudoscience?
Defining Analogous and Homologous Structures
Timeline of Cloning History
3 Types of Ethical Systems
A Timeline of the First Crusade, 1095 - 1100
Before of the Crusades: 350 - 1095
What Is Religion?
How Evolution Has Been Observed
What Is Religious Humanism?
Religion as Opium of the People
Did Madalyn Murray O'Hair Get Prayer Out of School?
What Is Epistemology?
History of Humanism With Ancient Greek Philosophers
Virtue Ethics: Morality and Character
Existentialist Absurdity
C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Argued Over Christian Theology
C.S. Lewis and Christian Apologetics
How To Get Excommunicated From the Catholic Church
C.S. Lewis Vs. Atheism and Atheists
Declaration of Independence and the Christianity Myth
The History of Idealism
The Difference Between Propaganda and Persuasion
Too Many Gods, Too Many Religions?
Whale Pelvis: What Vestigial Organs Say About Evolution
Argument From Miracles: Do Miracles Prove God Exists?
Anatomical Homologies and Evolution
Einstein Quotes and Views on Society and Government
Einstein Quotes on Ethics and Morality
Separation of Church and State: Is It Actually in the Constitution?
What It Means to Be an Infidel
Why Does Religion Exist?
The Jesus Trilemma of C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis and the Morality Argument
Religious vs. Non-Religious Belief Systems
How Biogeography Supports the Truth of Evolution
What Is Open Mindedness in Critical Thinking?
Is There Proof of Creationism?
What Is the Difference Between Denotation and Connotation?
Language, Meaning, and Communication
Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists
Critiquing Arguments
The Relationship Between Technology and Religion
Atheism and Anti-Theism: What's the Difference?
Deductive and Inductive Logic in Arguments
Method of Sacrifice in Ancient Greece
The Criteria for Science and Scientific Theories
What is Metaphysics?
According to Science, God Does Not Exist
God or god? to Capitalize or Not to Capitalize
Albert Einstein Quotes on Life After Death
Why 'Atheist' Shouldn't Be Capitalized
Agnosticism for Beginners - Basic Facts About Agnosticism and Agnostics
Albert Einstein Quotes Denying Belief in a Personal God
Fallacy of Amphiboly
How Is That Possible for God to Be Transcendent and Immanent?
Divorce Rates for Atheists Are Among the Lowest in America
What Is the Idea of Materialism?
How Should Atheists Respond When Others Ask for Prayers?
Agnostic Atheist Defined